One of the First Homes - Laona, Wisconsin circa 1900. Photo: Camp Five Museum Foundation (L-R) Dr. Lockner, Mrs. Hale, Mae (Hale) Lockner, Horace Hale, Nellie (Hughes) Sargent, and Leonard "Len" Sargent Sr.
The description below came from a newspaper and was sent to the Sargent family by a friend. It is believed that it came from a
Marshfield area newspaper and the date is unknown.

Stratford Folks at One of the First Homes at Laona.

The picture above was brought into the Journal office by Walter Wix and is a picture of one of the first homes in Laona, taken around

the first of the century.

The couple at the far right are Mr. and Mrs. Len Sargent, former residents of Stratford. Mrs. Sargent's maiden name was Hughes and

she was an early Stratford resident. The man in the center is a Mr. Hale, but he is no relative of mine. His wife, Mrs. Hale, is seated at

the far left. The other two are Dr. and Mrs. Lockner, but I know no more about them.

Mr. William Connor of Marshfield saw the picture and he said he knew both Mr. and Mrs. Len Sargent and Mr. and Mrs. Hale quite well as

when he was just a boy his father, the late W. D. Connor took him to Laona many times on his trips there.

Many local folks will remember homes like the one pictured. They also will remember vividly the little house, or one like it, pictured at the

far right right in the picture.
Frank Lonier's home in Laona that burned in 1924.
Photo from the research project "Memories of Forest County".
Kokot's home east of Laona on the road to Blackwell.
Sturzl Family Photo
Levi and Mary Jane Starks home located next to the old Riverside Hospital. Laona, Wisconsin circa 1925. Irish Family Photo
Nathan and Annie (Doubleday) Webb in front of their home in lowertown which burned in the 1920's, Laona, Wisconsin 1917 Carter Family Photo
Home of Charles and Addie (McHugh) Eggebrecht under construction in lowertown Laona. Charley is shown in the photo.
Laona, Wisconsin circa 1910. Carter Family Photo
Home of Nelson & Elise (Beaudry) Sarrasin built circa 1901.
Sarrasin-Lambert Family Photo
Home of Ed & Ida (Sarrasin) Lambert circa 1920 located near the Catholic Church in Laona, Wisconsin. Sarrasin-Lambert Family Photo
Members of the Potts family in front of their Laona home. 1908
Sturzl Family Photo
Members of the Clavette family in front of their Laona home. 1896 Sturzl Family Photo
Walter W. & Myrtle S. (Webb) Kimball home built circa 1915.
Home is located across the street from the athletic field. 1970 Photo.
Cox Family Photo
Harold & Mary Irish home on the N/W shore of Silver Lake - 1947. Irish Family Photo
Home of Nathan and Annie Webb after their first home burned. The railroad gave or sold Nathan abandoned box cars which he put together in lowertown. Laona, Wisconsin circa 1930. Carter Family Photo
Home of Dr. Dawley (Up Town) Laona circa 1915. Sturzl Family Photo
Dr. Dawley sold the home to Lee LaBelle in 1915 and it was later sold to Richard and Florence Connor in 1919.
Summer home of W.D. Connor Jr. located on Birch Lake east
of Laona, Wisconsin - 1935 Sturzl Family Photo
Summer home of W.D. Connor Jr. located on Birch Lake east
of Laona, Wisconsin circa 1940. Irish Family Photo
John & Marian Irish home on the N/W shore of Silver Lake - 1944. Irish Family Photo
Casterton's Home and Store (Lower Town) Laona circa 1920. James Wall Photo
Click here to see additional early Laona area homes located in Stark's Settlement.
Home of Ed and Winnie Bradle - Laona, Wisconsin circa 1924. Bradle Family Photo
W.D. Connor Cottage on Birch Lake. Teal Family Postcard
Home of Horace and Anna Hale circa 1915. Doxey Family Photo
Home of Anna (Wayzon) and John Praninskas Sr. circa 1910. Simanis Family Photo
Home of the Dennee Family circa 1914 - Also the home of the Bill Connor Family/ Photo: Town of Laona Collection
(Left) Home of Wayne and Emma Tipton circa 1950. (Right) Wayne and Emma Tipton Home circa 1999.
Wayne Tipton with grandkids Ken & Mike Mentz. Located SE of Laona near Blackwell Job Corps Center.
Mentz Family Photos
Home of Mike and Matilda (Hansen) Mentz located NE of Laona on old Hwy 8 circa 1918. 80 acres was purchased from Peter and Anne Frost for $1,150 in 1913. Mentz Family Photo